Project WOC 2023 week 3

The selection races

Unfortunately, this post can be rather short. The selection races ended almost before they started. The night of the first race on Friday a cold hits. 6 weeks of illness, 2 weeks of 80% training and now a new illness. I don't quite feel lucky at the moment.

woc_selection_racesOn the way to the finish line of the short distance (Foto: @ Emma Bjessmo)

On Friday's short distance I tried, I get through the course technically reasonable, but the body was slack. Saturday's middle distance nothing worked, and I went home after only a couple of controls. Sunday I forced the long distance with a small hope of a result that could secure me a spot. I finished as no. 7 - so the only thing I really got out of that race is that I probably get to extend the illness period.

On Wednesday I head to Skellefteå Sweden, where there is Swedish Leauge middle distance on Thursday and then 10mila in the weekend. I hope to get well enough to be able to get some acceptable races. Then I have to try to find new goals to train towards, whatever it will be. Hope the trend turns soon, so there is something more positive to write about :-)

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